The Eternal Truth...

There are only 3 ways to write a blog... The Right Way, The Wrong Way and MY Way :-)

Programming Myself....

If you want something you never had, you must do something you never have done!!! - That's meee!!! can't be better:-)

Why did i join IT?????

I hate to do this, but i have been thinking about it for sometime now. Why did i join IT?????... Here are some answers that i can think of right away...

1.I hated sleep
2.I could'nt live without tensions
3.I enjoyed my life enough already
4.i beleived in "do work selflessly, do not care for rewards and appreciations"
5.i wanted to pay for my sins
6.i wanted to prove that - everything in life has a reason
7.i wanted to take revenge on myself
8.i hate social life

New game

My current musing is this tiny little cricket flashwave and table tennis. While the flash games are good, they are also quite handy and don't draw too much of my battery power. Controls are simple and the game runs well

I'll tell you what, you can play cricket & TT and still get the kick as though you are playing this on PS2.What takes the flash game apart from PS2 is the places you can play :-)
1. Play while traveling in car , bus , train & plane. PS: i have not yet traveled in a ship :-)
2. Play in office, when you are really stressed out
3. play in meeting while your bored
4. play on couch and make wifey think that something official you are doing when customer is around and tell that this is the break that you were looking at. among your collegues to demostrate that you have greater skills - hand eye co-ordination
7. give it to wifey , if she insists that you talk to her always
see the reasons :-)

Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage - IT defn

Love Marriage: Resembles procedural programming language. We have some set functions like flirting, going to movies together, making long conversations on phone and then try to fit all functions to the candidate we like.

Arranged Marriage: Similar to object oriented programming approach. We first fix the candidate and then try to implement functions on her. The main object is fixed and various functions are added to supplement the main program. The functions can be added or deleted.

Love Marriage: It is a throwaway type of prototype as client requirements rises with time thus it is a dynamic system and difficult to maintain.

Arranged Marriage: Requirements are well defined so use of waterfall model is possible.

Love Marriage: Family system hangs because hardware called parents are not responding.

Arranged Marriage: Compatible with hardware Parents.

Love Marriage: You are the project leader so u are responsible for implementation and execution of PROJECT- married life.

Arranged Marriage: You are a team member under project leader parents so they are responsible for successful execution of project Married life.

Love Marriage: Client expectations include exciting feature as spouse cooking food, washing clothes etc.

Arranged Marriage: All these features are covered in the SRS as required features.

Love Marriage: Acceptance test possible you can try before you Buy.

Arranged Marriage: Product is sold on an as is where is basis. Product once sold will not be taken back!

After reactions

After a long sulking day with mixed emotions, yesterday i left the place, where i worked for many years. It was a stint that i will always cherish as it had helped mature professionally and also reach the peak in a short time....

I was always touted as the youngest project manager and when i left this is what some big guns of the organization had to say. "Wishing you all the very best in your next assignment.I am sure you will do well wherever you go. My best wishes for a prosperous and bright future" - this was the guy who was the delivery head for special accounts. Incidentally this was the person who interviewed me 4 yrs back and still remembers that day and recollects every time i meet him.He showed me the gate and i walked through it. "Oblivious reasons we had limited interactions but I feel missing a creative colleague. Do keep in touch" - another peer of mine , whom i used to bump only in meetings. I was quite impressed by his stratergies, but as he put it right. Had less interaction. "BTW, hate to see you leave. But my wishes and support is always with you. Keep in touch" - This was my boss, my mentor who actually went by - you succeed means I succeed. I handled his first project- a major success and that catapulted him to a good position as well.:-)."Whats up buddy.. Kinda of surprised. .but then everyone needs to move on.. All the very best.. Keep in touch" - this was a guy with whom i had done many campus recruitment for the organization.He was onsite in US, so he mailed me this and later on spread this message to all the onsite counterparts and i had a dozen calls... hmn.... like he said..... but then everybody needs to move on......