Urban Reign
While cleaning up all the old PS2 games today, i came across this , which was pristine and somehow i had missed it. I just popped it in and it held me captivated for nearly 3 hrs. Urban reign takes you through a story line that puts you into the shoes of Brad Hawk, as you attempt to clean up the streets by stopping the gang wars and destruction. While the storyline is somewhat interesting at times it doesn't really matter, as in any beatem up games you find that your only objective is to beat down enemy after enemy.
The game employs a very good combat system that lets you do more than your average punch kick and throw. You can also reverse grapples and strikes as well as hit multiple enemies at the same time and do various special attacks that you learn throughout the game. The fighting may seem boring at first, but one you get farther into the game, and get better at the game you'll notice that the fighting scenes can actually be a blast to play as well as watch, and you'll see something new each time.
The difficulty level on this game is insane and I would suggest sticking it on very easy or if you've had some experience try easy. It starts off easy but quickly gets ridiculously difficult and you'll find yourself struggling to beat bosses even on very easy. The main gripe about this game is the lack of multiplayer story mode. Thiru and myself tried to play the multiplayer game, but there is absolutely no reason for it not to be there as atleast half of the missions in the game involve you and a cpu partner taking out the baddies.
The game boasts a 100 mission story mode which can be quite time consuming considering the difficulty level of the game. What would have been nice though was for the game to include some free roaming levels like the classic beatem up games. In Urban Reign you are just thrown into area after area where there will be one or several enemies that you have to beat up.
While the levels eventually get repetitve Urban Reign is still a solid attempt at making a decent beatem up game. A nice fun game to have in your repository.