Revamping my old beauty
I was getting impatient. I had enquired to get my car bumper painted, but the mechanic said that i could simply use a new one that was available in the market. It would cost me 1600 bucks for a type A car. I had almost thought this was the only solution and people i talked to came with the same suggestion. Finally the best suggestion came in from Dad. He told me that this car bumper was very strong and the new ones are of light material and so was not so strong. That was real , coz i have seen many cars crash into mine only to see theirs damaged :-) He spoke to one of his friends and today a painter came by. I spoke to to him and explained to him that i needed my car bumper colored. So after a few set of raw materials ( paint, brush, turpentine oil, zero paper) and one hr of painting, my car bumper looks new and awesome. The cost - 200 bucks for the raw material and 100 bucks for his efforts. So all in all 300 bucks and i still have some paint remaining so that i can reuse it at a later stage. Now that's called budget revamping.