Pluto's out now
The International Astronomical Union have voted to remove Pluto from the solar system--as a planet, that is. The international organization of astronomers rejected a proposal last week to increase the number of planets to 12 by including Ceres, the largest known asteroid, which orbits between Mars and Jupiter; Charon, which has been considered Pluto's moon; and the recently discovered 2003 UB313, an object nicknamed Xena that was discovered in 2005 orbiting far beyond Pluto. Pluto and the other three objects may be considered planet dwarves by astromers.
In February 2006, images from the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed the existence of two new moons orbiting Pluto. Pluto and Charon are gravitationally locked so the same sides always face each other. They orbit each other every 6.3 Earth days. Charon is covered by water ice.
...seem if they allowed Pluto to remain a planet, then too many new objects have to be acknowledged as a planet too taking the number to 20...i suppose 8 is better than 20 too difficult to remember 20 names..
But the weird thing is that the whole Indian astrology is dependent on these nine planets and all the rules are made keeping these nine planets and their positions( in respect to each other at a certain time) and so on .....Now if one planet is removed or a new one added the whole astrology goes fake?
In February 2006, images from the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed the existence of two new moons orbiting Pluto. Pluto and Charon are gravitationally locked so the same sides always face each other. They orbit each other every 6.3 Earth days. Charon is covered by water ice.
But the weird thing is that the whole Indian astrology is dependent on these nine planets and all the rules are made keeping these nine planets and their positions( in respect to each other at a certain time) and so on .....Now if one planet is removed or a new one added the whole astrology goes fake?
Can't they just let these Astronomical Bodies to R.I.P.
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