The Eternal Truth...

There are only 3 ways to write a blog... The Right Way, The Wrong Way and MY Way :-)

Programming Myself....

If you want something you never had, you must do something you never have done!!! - That's meee!!! can't be better:-)

60 Most Beautiful Apple (Mac OS X Leopard) Wallpapers

60 Most Beautiful Apple (Mac OS X Leopard) Wallpapers

The designs are amazing. Steve does a neat job in motivating people to get the best out of them. I suggest watching the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley" .....

The guy literally works hard and makes his team work harder. He installs the fear in people , makes them commit. He is a staunch believer that under pressure, ppl deliver thier best. If you still have not seen the movie, just watch it.. Its a must for all techies.