The Eternal Truth...

There are only 3 ways to write a blog... The Right Way, The Wrong Way and MY Way :-)

Programming Myself....

If you want something you never had, you must do something you never have done!!! - That's meee!!! can't be better:-)

Computer Stupidities

  • Me: "DSL is a lot faster. It--"
  • Friend's Father: "Yeah, but if you have DSL, there are a lot of threats."
  • Me: "Yes, that's true to a degree, but there are firewalls that--"
  • Friend's Father: "No, but they can hack into your computer even when it's off and steal our electricity."
  • Me: "Umm...I'm pretty sure that won't happen."
  • Friend's Father: "It's all over the news. You mean to tell me they're wrong?"
  • Me: "...I guess so
  • I have nobody to blame !!!!