Lessons learnt
Niyanthri is 6 months old now. She has been a source of inspiration for me ever since she has joined our family. I am learning more and more things from her. Some of the things are new to me or things that i always knew but never implemented for a variety of reasons. Here is what Niyanthri has been teaching me
1. Niyanthri wears her feelings on her face. First thing i wake up in the morning is to see her face. She lets go that beautiful smile and i feel my day is made. She hits the ground running every morning with sheer enthusiasm.How amazing, you never have to guess when she is happy, sad, troubled or angry. It's all over her face. Gosh!!! i hope i could be like that
2.She has a single focus while doing things. If she is engrossed with her lil doll, she will hardly look or respond to your call , even if you scream at top of your head. I know multi tasking is good, but single focus is better
3.Niyanthri observes the people around them with enthusiastic intensity. She typically mimics the actions that work and ignore the ones that don’t.
4. Niyanthri uses her imagination to play around with the small sensless objects like piece of cloth or a tumbler.
5. When dealt with unexpected things, she just gives a chucke and goes on( Read : typically when she poops ;-))
6. She let me know - expect the unexpected. Day's when we plan to go out with her, never happen on time, nights i might miss my sleep
7. Niyanthri will not talk to anybody, but she will allow others to talk about her ;-) . Can anyone think about allowing such an act?
8. Last but not the least, she is fearless. you take her up and she chuckes not knowing the fear if we drop her :-) Put yourself "out there" by being fearless
Too much..!! Looks like U r having so much fun dude..!!
Yeah!!! good to have the lil one around :-)
Aawwwww!!! So cute dad. I bet your baby will love to read this post when she is all grown up.
Meanwhile, I am waiting to know the lessons you learn when she hits her teens. God bless!