The Eternal Truth...

There are only 3 ways to write a blog... The Right Way, The Wrong Way and MY Way :-)

Programming Myself....

If you want something you never had, you must do something you never have done!!! - That's meee!!! can't be better:-)

Revamping my old beauty

Ok, it was getting closer that in order to get my fuel reimbursements, i needed to show that i had a car which i was using. So it was time for getting the old beauty of mine registered in my name. I went to the RTO for this transfer only to realize that since the car was a 1987 model, these guys had to pull the records ( physical files, as RTO was not computerized then) manually and this would require more time and effort to follow up with these guys on a daily basis for the progress. A quick call to an old friend and he coughed up a agent who worked with the RTO. I spoke to him and explained that the car was my dad's and just needed to transfer it into my name and there was no cash was involved. After the initial sync up and showing him my poor old car , i have got it settled for 750 bucks.

So it looks like one item is off my list